Knowledge is what makes society work.

Without knowledge we cannot manage the environment, our cities, healthcare, governments, education systems, science, culture, and everything else that matters to us.

Today we face a crisis of knowledge. Our claims to have knowledge are being threatened both by technology and politics. And the very ideas of knowledge and truth are under attack.

At the heart of the crisis of knowledge are philosophical problems about the relationship between knowledge, truth, science, ethics and politics — and ultimately our relationship to reality itself.
Knowledge in Crisis is an intellectual community of more than 50 philosophers throughout Austria. In addition to our research, we work with local organisations to bridge the gap between academia and the general public. Through a range of events, workshops and trainings, our aim is to enable completely new understandings of today’s crises of knowledge.
Knowledge in Crisis is supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under the Clusters of Excellence programme (10.55776/COE3).

We're a collaboration between the University of Graz, the University of Salzburg, and the University of Vienna, led by Central European University.